bath tub

Give Your Home an Upgrade and Experience a Luxurious Indoor Lifestyle

A comfortable house is not only a fad but is a necessity these days. Most individuals have built their offices and study rooms at home to cater to the needs caused by the pandemic. Since it looks like we’re in this for the long haul, you might as well add more facilities to your abode to make quarantining more comfortable. If it’s well within your budget, you can enhance and upgrade your house and accommodate the needs that surfaced during the pandemic.

By doing a complete overhaul of your residence or committing to minor modifications, your stay-at-home experience will be far from the anxiety teeming one that dominated during the initial phases of lockdowns. Keep reading to get practical and functional home renovation ideas. 

Mini Cafe in Your Balcony

Cafes used to be a significant part of most people’s pre-pandemic daily routine. Aside from getting your favorite brew, having it made by your favorite coffee shop and drinking it in the cozy ambiance unique to cafes enriches the experience. Although you can’t freely enjoy sipping your steaming cup in commercial establishments, you can still get a dose of your chosen blend and enjoy it in lovely scenery by transforming your balcony into a mini coffee station. With coffee-making staples, including your selected beans and coffee maker, you can easily make this whole idea work.

Wellness at Home

Besides work and school, maintaining a healthy mind, body, and soul also occurs at home. One of the collective necessities pushed forward by the pandemic is a space for exercise and other wellness activities at home. If it’s well within your budget, you can give yourself and your loved ones A-grade care without taking a single step from your house through new facilities.

For instance, you can transform a vacant room into a gym and meditation area combo and perform your workouts or clear your mind in an isolated place. Wellness also means monitoring your health, so if you’re suffering from any symptoms, for example, life-threatening illnesses like cancer, it’s best to get yourself examined using professional-grade tools, such as the best at-home colon cancer test kit.

Resort Experience in Your Pool

above ground metal frame swimming pool

Now that you have officially spent two consecutive summers at home, it’s easy to understand the stress you might be feeling. Even though the sun’s heat can be unbearable during summertime, spending it outdoors is still better than camping indoors. Getting your summer fix at home requires a few things, like a swimming pool and beach chairs.

Setting up an above-ground pool will do and even let you use your outdoor space for other occasions when it’s not summer, unlike in-ground pools. To cop the resort vibe, you can install a slide and add a mini bar off the side.

Fine Dining in Your Patio

Eating at high-class restaurants can signify luxury and make meals taste more scrumptious, but that experience, like others, is also disallowed at the moment. Despite your favorite five-star restaurant not offering dine-ins, there’s still a way for you to treat your tastebuds to delicious flavors by having your meals at your patio. With a charming alfresco-style dining area design in mind, you can make both expensive and simple dishes taste more delicious. This luxurious dining can also be the time for you to learn or brush up on cooking skills by trying out more complex gourmet recipes.

Spa in Your Bathroom

It’s almost impossible to see facilities dedicated to spa treatments in typical residences. Still, if you reside in a large estate, then you can take advantage of having spa-like relaxations at home. For your bathroom, aside from your toilet, shower, and bathtub, you can also add a massage table, a sauna room, and a jacuzzi or hot tub. Outfitting your bathroom with an entertainment system can also enhance your soothing sessions by letting you listen to your favorite tunes or watch content during pamper time.

Outdoor Bar in Your Rooftop

With the right people, you can have a great time and take a relaxing break from pandemic-related stress; then again, the ambiance can make the whole experience better. Instead of having your hangouts with friends or family in your dining area or living room, why not have it somewhere higher, where you can feel the fresh breeze and relax in an open environment?

The perfect place for this environment is your rooftop. A minibar complete with your favorite spirits and snacks can make your outdoor bar a popular location for intimate gatherings. You can also decorate it with fun bar-themed designs, like neon lights, comfy seats, and good music. With an entire place devoted to having fun, you can delight in calming and exciting experiences, as well as take a much-needed breather.  

Despite the whole pandemic situation stopping you from reveling in the activities you used to love doing, you can still live your best life using home upgrades. 

Emily Summers
Emily Summers

Hi there! I'm Emily Summers, your friendly guide to living a vibrant and fulfilling life on the Quenchers blog. As a travel and lifestyle enthusiast myself, I'm passionate about helping you explore the world, nourish your body with delicious food, and discover the secrets to a balanced and happy life. Join me as we embark on exciting adventures, uncover wellness tips, indulge in mouthwatering recipes, and share a good laugh along the way. Together, let's quench our thirst for a vibrant life and make every moment count! Cheers!

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